Într-un interviu pentru L:A: Times, starul din ‚Amelia’ a vorbit şi despre mult-aşteptatul film ‚I love you Philip Morris’, care dacă vă întrebaţi când se lansează se pare că februarie 2010 este data finală.
Iată ce a declarat acesta :
„It seemed to go down very well there at Sundance. It's a love story, an escape movie and a comedy, all about this man who goes to incredible lengths to be with the man he loves. I like it because it's a gay film, which is to say it's a film about two men in love, and I think that's an important element of it. But it's not a film about them being gay. They just happen to be gay. I also got to French kiss Jim Carrey a lot, and I quite like that too.”
Interviu complet aici.
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Citeşte şi:
• Un sărut aşteptat : Ewan McGregor şi Jim Carrey în 'I love you Phillip Morris'
• 'I love you Phillip Morris' trailer
• The Birdcage / Cabaret în familie (1996)
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